Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bye Bye Cell phone

I am so bummed out! I went to Kohl's today with my mom and Savannah to get some new duds. Duce called me so I took my phone out of my purse to answer it and just put it in my pocket when we hung up. I went to try on some clothes and Savannah called to see where I was in the store and after I hung up I sat my phone on the little shelf in the dressing room and made a mental note to NOT forget to put it back in my pocket. Do you think that happened? NO! I realized about 20 minutes later that my phone was not in my pocket and went back to the dressing room. Was it there? Of course not and no Kohl's employee had seen it. So after calling Duce (he was extremely happy), cancelling the phone and calling the Lake Worth PD to file a report (for insurance) I just ask myself are there really people that mean in the world to take someone else's cell phone and not turn it in. Duce thinks I am terribly naive to not realize that people are like that. It had to be a woman because it was in the woman's dressing room-it just makes me sad that people do that kind of stuff to other people. Well as Duce puts it-at least I'll get a new phone out of it!


Brandy said...

even with a new phone... it still sucks!