Friday, February 1, 2008

homework torture!!

Have you ever wondered why homework exists? Doing homework at the Dodson house is like pure torture! Sweet Trea took three hours to do one math page and spelling words. He will fight to the death to keep from doing it! Savannah thinks that she can only do homework if I am sitting next to her saying "pay attention, don't watch tv, go to your room and finish now!" And to top it off I find out that she has a 30 seed and 30 leave project due tuesday. We have exactly one avocado seed. Yea for us!!!


deneise said...

so...did you get the project done?? we did a seed collection a couple of years ago & that darn avacado seed wouldn't stick for nothin'!!! :) hope it went well!

Shellee said...

you've been tagged! see my blog for details ("meme" post)!